Overview of Sales in POS Express
At the Sales screen, also know as the Retail screen, you make the sales transaction happen. The basic steps are you enter the items being sold, you enter to whom they are being sold, and you finalize the payment for those items. Much more can happen at the screen but below you can get some of the basic how tos, and then link to other more complicated how tos as needed.
Opening the Sales screen
You navigate to the Sales screen by:
- Clicking the Sales button at the bottom of the POS Express main screen.
- Selecting the menu bar at the top of the screen and selecting Go to then Sales.
The Sales screen displays:
Functions of the Sale screen
At this screen, you can:
Enter a few letters of the customer's name and press Enter on your keyboard, or if this is not a customer in your database, enter A Cash Account which can also be set as a default for that field. Jump here for more information.
- Search for a product
- Add products or items to a customer's tab
- Process a return item
- Credit a Smart Card
- Distribute a payout for a tournament
- Create and process a Gift Card
- Process a Rain Check
- Process a Prepaid payment
Note: You can customize this screen with Quick Sale buttons.